J Yamasaki,

Acupuncture, Facial Rejuvenation, Placenta Encapsulation, Fire Cupping Therapy

My approach is rooted in the philosophy that each individual has the power to guide their own good health. You know best how your body interacts with the world, and only you can truly understand how you feel. With this power comes the responsibility to make choices that support your health and vitality. From our nutrition and daily habits to the way we manage stress and seek balance, these decisions ultimately shape our well-being.

In contrast to the conventional Western medical model, which often relies on quick fixes and places the onus of healing solely in the hands of experts, I encourage a partnership where we work together. Health challenges often develop over years, and similarly, healing can take time. Embracing this journey can be incredibly rewarding, as you learn to listen to your body, understand its needs, and see the positive changes that unfold. Your body, always striving towards balance, is inherently powerful and capable of healing itself when given the right support and environment.

My commitment is to guide you, to stand by your side, and to remind you of the incredible healing potential within you. Together, we can create a space where you feel empowered to take charge of your health, heal, and live a life full of balance.


Jessie "J" Yamasaki was born in Takamatsu, Japan, and immigrated to North Carolina as a child. They earned a pre-med degree in Biology at UNC Chapel Hill, where they went on to work in Neuroresearch focused on understanding the development of psychiatric illnesses. In 2016, J relocated to Los Angeles, where they became involved in grassroots projects aimed at improving accessibility and equity in the wellness industry. J found a deep connection with Eastern philosophy’s understanding of the natural elements, our bodies, and how everything is inextricably connected. She went on to earn both a Master's in Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine and a Doctorate in Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine from Dongguk University in Koreatown.

J’s specializations include:

✴︎ Facial Rejuvenation
✴︎ Fertility Support
✴︎ Placenta Encapsulation
✴︎ Musculoskeletal Issues
✴︎ Psychoemotional Health

J books appointments through Golden Folk Wellness on Wednesdays and Fridays.


Golden Folk is the kind of place you envision in the ideal and then no matter how many times you’ve gone it’s somehow even better. Saying it’s transformative is not an exaggeration. The profound subtle work that permeates in ways I didn’t know possible and the healing from that is lasting and true.

— Hugo A.

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